Dog Wearing Goggles for Laser Therapy Treatment

Laser Therapy: Not Magic, But It Sure Does Seem That Way

Laser therapy has long been used in human medicine and is becoming increasingly common in veterinary practices. But what kind of lasers are we talking about here, and how does a simple beam of light do so much? Read on to shed some light on how laser therapy works and the many ways it can benefit your pet!

To start with, not all lasers are created equal. There are four main types:

Class 1 lasers are very mild and safe. They include lasers used in everyday life, like the ones used to scan bar codes.
Class 2 lasers are in the visible light spectrum. Some therapeutic lasers and laser pointers fall into this class. Damage can occur if a Class 2 laser is directed into the eye for prolonged periods.
Class 3 lasers include most commonly used therapeutic ones (including ours).
Class 4 lasers are the strongest and primarily include lasers used for surgical purposes. They can permanently damage the eyes or burn the skin.

How does it help?

Laser therapy is a wonderful tool because not only can we use it for many applications, but it helps in many different ways! Here are some of the biological effects of laser therapy:

1. Anti-Inflammatory: Laser therapy has anti-inflammatory effects because it increases blood flow and activates the lymphatic drainage system to help drain the swollen area. As a result, there is a reduction in swelling in the treated area.

2. Pain Control: Laser therapy reduces pain by working on nerve cells to decrease sensitivity and block pain signals from reaching the brain. Additionally, therapeutic laser use stimulates the release of the body’s own endorphins, which help relieve pain.

3. Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth: Therapeutic lasers penetrate the targeted tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth, which means the cells in the affected area heal faster. This is useful in healing tendon and muscle injuries and accelerating the healing of skin wounds or surgical incisions.

4. Improved Blood Flow: Laser therapy not only increases blood flow to the treated area but also stimulates the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue. This increased circulation speeds up the healing process.

5. Reduced Scar Formation: Laser therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts, scratches, burns, or surgery.

6. Trigger Point and Acupuncture Point stimulation: Laser therapy stimulates muscle trigger points and acupuncture points on a non-invasive basis, providing musculoskeletal pain relief.

7. Improved Nerve Function: Slow recovery of nerve functions in damaged tissue can result in numbness and impaired limbs. Laser therapy speeds up the nerve cell reconnection process and helps optimize muscle movement in damaged areas.

Laser therapy has a broad range of benefits and applications, and we’ve found it instrumental in increasing the comfort and healing of our patients. Wondering if your pet could benefit from laser therapy? The answer is probably yes—call us today at (214) 826-4800 to schedule a consultation for your pet!

To learn more about veterinary laser therapy, check out these resources:

What is Veterinary Laser Therapy?
Laser Therapy: Fact or Fancy?